I Just Made a Facebook Author Page!
When I first decided that I would publish my writings. I was told that I needed a Facebook author page right away. Well; you know, it...
Marketing, Using Ads
Note: Everything I do; works for me and over the years these methods have helped me make myself transparent to my current customers and my f
"My knees buckle at times. The wind pushes, forces me back. I am constantly, losing my ground. ‘Rowena’ I yell at myself. I know I have...
*Rowena (2019) Book Launch*
Rowena’s Book Launch is going to be my first official launch for a book. Even though I have three books out, this is something new for me. O
The ringing of that bell brought it all home; what was important, and what was yet to come in my life. For those who have yet to ring that b
Pt. 3 Creating Internal Conflict in my Writing
“The protagonist of a story may win or lose, but either way, the protagonist's struggle against another character, the natural world, or
Pt. 2 Creating Internal Conflict in my Writing
In part-two I started developing, how, when, and of course the why. This has allowed me to close the holes even more.
Creating Internal Conflict In My Writing
This method did/has helped me develop, and make my plot better. Once I determined what my Main Character would be doing. I next had to figu