Tuesday Marketing *Dedication* & The Importance of Book Reviews
In this video I discuss the importance of receiving book reviews. What I didn't say in the video was where to post your reviews if you use Amazon. When I am asked to review a book. I make sure that I list whether or not the book was given to me to review in print, or the obvious eBook. At times this will not save the review from being deleted, but it does give it a better chance of hanging around when you post your review under the correct tab.
Do I understand Amazon's process for deleting reviews? No, I do not! I had a review deleted from My Motivation and I had no clue why. I asked the person for an honest review, and explained that my book was not in any promotions. The reviewer purchased my book and gave me an honest review. That review was deleted for whatever reason. Oh well; keep pushing your books out, for every five reviews lets hope that they at least leave two alone.
Also in this video I discussed the promotional activity that Dedication and Kim's DIY will be in over the next few months. I will keep you updated as I work to establish my old and new books on my website so that they can be purchased from here.
As always, share and share some more…
Kim L. Walton, Indie Writer, Self-Published Author of 3 books
Founder of Southside Book and Writers Club
Richmond, Virginia