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Kim's 'DIY' Guide ~Tuesday Marketing

I wrote this book because my husband got tired of all the calls and emails from people who were like me when I first started writing. They needed and wanted information and had become frustrated with asking for help and receiving bad advice. Well, I wrote this book to help them and me out; I had also gone through my share of bad advice.

Kim’s diy is straightforward, honest, and to the point explaining not only how I wrote my book, but also how I published it.

eBook $3.99

A clear, concise, no nonsense, step-by-step guide to self-publishing.

March 15, 2017

Format: Kindle Edition

This book contains practical, tried and tested, easy to follow advice on how to:

1. Keep motivated whilst writing your story

2. Find beta readers & ensure they give you the right kind of feedback for your needs

3. Edit your own work – it discusses the merits of different, affordable editing software programmes

4. Format your files for both E-book & paper versions

5. Create a book cover & a logo, if required

It also explains:

6. The importance of ISBNs, barcodes & copyrights

7. Where to publish your book and how to do it

8. Pricing, marketing & promotion

The author’s tone is warm, chatty and encouraging throughout and, moreover, she includes a comprehensive list of online resource links to keep you on the right track.

If you are a writer looking to self-publish on a budget, or someone who wants the satisfaction of personally overseeing every aspect of the publishing process, then this is the ideal guide for you.

If you would like a signed copy, email or message me.

Kim L. Walton, Indie Writer, Self-Published Author of 3 books

Founder of Southside Book and Writers Club

Richmond, Virginia

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