I Just Made a Facebook Author Page!
When I first decided that I would publish my writings. I was told that I needed a Facebook author page right away. Well; you know, it...

This short story is a dream that I had. At this time, I don't have plans to turn it into a book. So; I decided to share it with my...
*Set Goals for 2017*
*Set Goals for 2017* The New Year is almost here. I always use this time of year as a time of reflection. I do not set the normal goals;...

*The Mirage of Love Review*
#bookclub #Reviews #Writer #writing #reading #Themirageoflove #society #peace #love
*Figuring Out a Book Title and Subtitle*
During my writing of “My Motivation,” I knew the name and title before the ink dried on the paper. My MANTRA was my motivation, it was...

*Southside Book and Writers Club*
#Books #Reviews #selfpublish #Writer