Authors Reading Tour With Kim L. Walton
Authors Reading Tour with Kim L. Walton The tour has started for Southside Book and Writers Club members. Currently, four of us are...

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Developing the promotional flyer below, made me step out of my comfort zone. I usually just advertise my books, with a few reviews, and link

Tuesday Marketing *Updates and More*
Kim L. Walton, Indie Writer, Self-Published Author of 3 books Founder of Southside Book and Writers Club www.kimlwalton.com...

Tuesday Marketing *My Motivation*
That cover is simply awesome; she is big, bold, and fine as hell. The bold red, sucks you in. While the fluttering butterflies, remind you o

Dedication Promo
On their own for four years now Sandra and Alyssa (Motivation), find themselves still in Charlottesville, VA trying to navigate this maze ca
The Indie Urban literature Festival
This was my third time attending The Indie Urban Lit Fest. Yeah, I made it through. I probably left an hour early; instead of five, I...

First Event in (9) Months
I made it almost (6) hours in the sun and heat promoting myself, signing books, and networking with some awesome people. This was my first t

Southside Book and Writers Club Review of (Troubled Redemption), by Ciara j Lewis
4- Stars were given to this powerful and thought-provoking read. Some of the members felt that at times the read was to slow and also that t

*First Synopsis*
She was in her own intoxicated world until her ex-boyfriend Blake appeared in front of her. She tried politely, asking, him to go away. When
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