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Round (2) ~ How I Market my books and myself

If you remember, I discussed social media in the 24th of March’ Talk Session. Today I am going to go into details or better yet explain what I call round 2 of my marketing plan. If you don’t have a marketing plan, don’t worry or stress about it. In a few weeks, I am going to post my rough draft marketing plan I started for my books and book club, and I plan to share a marketing plan my partner, and I developed when I was attending, business school years and years ago.


1. Build a website or have someone build you a website

  • Built my own using

2. Register your site with Google

  • Makes sure your site is verified

  • Helps to draw traffic to your website

3. Place social media widgets on your site

  • Allows people to follow your page

  • Allows people to share your page and post (blog)

  • Allows people to interact with you on a more personal level

4. Share your website address (link)

  • Once you have a site, share your link on everything from business cards to your other social media sites. Place that link anywhere you can think of!

  • Link your website/blog to Goodreads, Amazon, Facebook

My website is a large part of my marketing and business plan. I have my books listed, I share what I am working on, and I also use it to keep people updated on what Southside Book and Writers Club is working on. I use my Talk Session; what I am using, right now to what? Talk, that’s right! I promote my books with my talk session, review books with or without the book club, and I also advertise other companies/people that I meet at events.

I personally, love my site! It is not anything fancy. However, it is me, and I am so enjoying it. Use your website, blog as a way for people to also get to know you. I love reading blogs that not only share their products, market but also they are personal. They share stories about their crazy animals, a sleepless night (been there), or they just want to talk period. I find myself reading writers of those type of blogs more!

Guest Blogging

I have not done this yet! However, I have started reaching out to other authors, bloggers, and entrepreneurs and so on. I don’t mind someone writing up an article and posting it on my Talk Session. Frankly, I think that it is a smart way to promote, market, and share information about someone.

Selling Books and Documents

This is another way to utilize your website, and it’s reaching power. I have been doing a lot of research on selling my books and other documents from my website. I plan to use either PDF or Epub, maybe both? I will then place a buy now button next to those items, which will take people to my PayPal link for purchase. I will also be offering autographed copies of my book, these I will ship directly from my office, and I will use PayPal again for payment. I am not interested in having a huge e-commerce store on my site (not my goal). That is why I am taking my time and researching what I want and need on my site.


Check out this website, It has a lot of free resources that you or anyone can use. A few years I had a conversation with someone about Calibre, this is a system that I have used and had no issues with it. But! because they may not have used it correctly, it was not good or did not work. This is where research and learning come in to play. If you are unfamiliar with Microsoft products, or programs such as Calibre, then look over you will not be sorry.

I am always learning...

As always, if you enjoyed this information or found it useful, please share and like


Writer, Self-Published Author

Founder of Southside Book and Writers Club



IMDS= Inspiration, Motivation, Dedication=Success

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